
8 月4 日,黎巴嫩首都貝魯特港口地區突然發生两起猛烈爆炸,逾二百人罹難,7,000 人以上受傷。爆炸的衝擊波令道路及樓宇遭受嚴重破壞,30 萬人無家可歸。當局估計,這場大災難令高達50 萬人急需糧食、衣物及住宿等援助。

Massive explosions ripped through central Beirut on Tuesday August 4, killed more than 200 people, injured more than 7000 and the blast shockwave severely damaged roads and buildings across the city. At least 300,000 people have been displaced from their homes. Authorities estimated nearly half million people need assistance with immediate needs such as food, clothing, and shelter.

看見貝魯特 - Aug 4, 2020

在爆炸發生後的第一時間, 黎巴嫩當地教會已開始竭盡所能參與救援活動。 但因為疫情和經濟的影響他們的力量十分有限,需要大家 的援助之手。

Following the explosion churches around Lebanon immediately joined the disaster relief operations. However they have very limited resources during this pandemic times in very poor economy.

讓我們在這個緊要關頭,和當地華人基督徒與當地教會一起聯合起來大力支持他們,本著神的愛,帶著教會的熱忱,給予生活物資的 幫助。物資是最基本的幫助,最主要的是心靈關懷,分享福音,幫助他們的生命成長和更新,帶領他們來到耶稣面前。

At this critical moment let us join local Chinese Christians and churches to support them with our best effort. With the love from the Lord, through the body of Christ, let us give to offer them living supplies. And more importantly let us speak to their hearts by sharing the Gospel and lead them to Jesus for growth and renewal of life.

為此, 以下機構立即聯合推動黎巴嫩貝魯特緊急救援計劃
Galilee International US, www.gi-us.org
BRC 伯特利中心 www.bethelrc.org
ICEA 國際華人宣教聯合會, www.icea-web.org
ICCBA 國際基督徒華商協會
CCCM 芝加哥華人基督徒宣道團

This Lebanon Beirut Relief project is promoted jointly by following organizations:
Galilee International US,
Bethel Renewal Center (BRC), www.bethelrc.org
International Chinese Evangelical Association (ICEA)
International Chinese Christian Business Association (ICCBA)
Chicago Chinese Christian Missions (CCCM)

救援計劃宣傳單 (更新: 9/21/2020) (閱讀/下載)

Relief Project Flyer - Phase 2 Updated 9/21/2020 (Read/Download)

Relief Project Flyer - Phase 1 - Completed (Read/Download)

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