為真理站立 (Rick Joyner)

Posted in 代禱事項







 (摘自喬納 word for the week, Week 31, 2013)


Stand For Truth - The Great Commission, Part 31
Week 31, 2013 
Rick Joyner

We are now into the time when the glory of the Lord is being revealed. Ultimate evil is being revealed as well. As I already mentioned, when we started to pray for the Spirit of Truth to reveal things going on in the U.S. Government that we needed to know, my biggest surprise was how so few Christians even cared about what was being brought to the light. However, I should not have been surprised or discouraged by it.

As we began to discuss last week, those in government or politics are constantly weighing things by how people might respond, how the media will spin it, or how to win the magical 51% majority. That is certainly not a kingdom mentality. It is not even a good understanding of the source of major cultural change. The great tipping points in history have seldom come from the majority; they almost always come from a very few.

A study done on these tipping points revealed that the percentage of people required to bring profound cultural change is only the square root of 1% of the population. That means that one hundred people could bring radical cultural change to a million people.

Jesus did even better than that. He took just twelve people and changed the whole world far more than it has ever been changed by any conqueror, philosophy, or religion. However, today it is hard to find those in a democratic form of government who think in terms of doing the right thing, rather than what is expedient or politically correct. Neither Jesus, nor the apostles, nor any of His true followers are primarily motivated by what people think, but rather by what God thinks. As Paul wrote, “If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ” (see Galatians 1:10).

To the degree that the fear of man controls us, it will negate our ability to serve Christ. This does not mean that we totally disregard people or do not care for them, but the same crowd that cried “Hosanna!” just five days later shouted “Crucify Him!” Two percent of the people who are passionate will usually control the 98% who are indifferent or lukewarm. This has been proven true over and over for both good and evil.

Having faith for an outcome is not the same as having faith in God. These often get confused to our detriment. If we have faith in God, we will do what is right, regardless of the outcome. If standing for what is true causes the whole world to turn against us, we must care more for the truth than the world.

In apostolic warnings about the last days, it was not those who had truth who were kept from deception, but those who had “a love for the truth” (see II Thessalonians 2:10). Having truth may not be the same as loving it. We are told “love never fails” (see I Corinthians 13:8). That could have been translated “love never quits.” Only those who are in love will never quit. Do we love truth that much? Do we love the Truth Himself so much that if it means the whole world turns against us, if it means certain death, then so be it? He is worth that kind of devotion.
